Free Scenery for XP 11

RJTT Tokyo Haneda Airport 1.0.0

RJTT Tokyo Haneda Airport 1.0.0

Welcome to Tokyo Haneda Airport

I felt like XPlane lacked in a lot of Asian Main Hubs and I wanted to try and give back to the Xplane community.
This is my first complete scenery i have done made with Sketchup
This scenery isn’t finished yet as I’m new to 3d modeling. Textures maybe a bit off but I will try and fix them. If Anyone is able to contribute to the scenery that would be great.
This scenery Includes modeled Buildings, hangars & Terminals.
You will need the Following Scenery Libraries
(Extract into Custom Folder )
Mister X
ZZ DF hard surface
Faib Aircraft
Fruit stand AIrcraft


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