Free Scenery for XP 11

Miami VFR

Miami VFR 1.0.0

Here is the most requested city! I think it came out well.
Every building has it's own exclusions, so the Autogen can fill in around. 
To install: Unzip and place Miami folder in Custom Scenery folder That's it
Unfortunately, both Marlin's Stadium and the American Airlines Arena are missing. There are no good models in the 3DWarehouse, so I'm limited by whats available to convert.
That being said there are some really beautiful Buildings in this Scenery, also check out the Cruise Terminal.
Thanks again To Oscar P. for the Phyton Script, and to all the artists who contributed models to 3DWarehouse.

The Screen shots show Orthophoto, and Reshade, neither of which are included, but are available on the org.


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